About F.M. Alexander

Frederick Mathais Alexander (1869-1955)

F.M. Alexander was a Tasmanian actor whose voice became hoarse during performances on stage.

Despite medical assistance, the problem continues. Determined to find the root-cause, Alexander identified movements linked to his posture and coordination. So he developed a technique that not only eliminated his vocal problem, but also brought about remarkable improvements in his general health. Encouraged to teach his methods to others, Alexander came to London in 1904 and continued to develop and teach his technique in London and America.

The Alexander Technique is now recognised internationally and widely used as a tool for improving performance and for preventing and alleviating stress-related symptoms, occupational aches and pains and excess muscular tension. The Alexander Technique works by exploring the idea that we often create the tension that can cause us to feel tired and suffer aches and pains. From ordinary things, such as walking, standing, sitting, running, cycling, driving, to gardening, doing a sport, playing a musical instrument, using a computer, dancing, singing, public speaking, the Alexander Technique is a method that can help you perform all your usual activities without unnecessary tension.

About Me

My interest in the Alexander Technique started after 25 years of back pain.

Again and again, I looked for something or some way of getting relief. Previously, I had sought treatment in osteopathy, acupuncture and chiropractic and conventional medicine and although each of these helped for a while, the pain always returned. Alexander Technique showed me that the way I was thinking and acting in my everyday activites was the root cause of the pain. Through regular lessons I learned that I could end this self-imposed interference and enjoy not just freedom from pain but continual improvement.


I’d always led an active life and played rugby for 20 years. At the time I came across the Alexander Technique, I’d been involved in the study of martial arts which was helping with my flexibility but I still felt hampered by the back pain and that prevented me developing the martial arts.

For the first 20 years of my working life the work I did was extremely physical and the back pain meant that I was in effect ‘disabled’ on numerous occasions. I therefore took up managing building construction sites to get away from the impact of the physical work.

In 2000, I began studying the Alexander Technique and very quickly felt the benefits in a number of areas of my life: The Alexander Technique helped in the movement aspects of the martial arts. I found I could do more with less effort and movement became simplified. The clarity of my thinking improved immensely through working with the Alexander Technique and the studying I then undertook to become a teacher.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.